Saturday, 08 Feb, 2025




International Journal on Leadership

International Journal on Leadership (IJL) publishes high quality original manuscripts, Review articles, Conceptual papers, Technical reports, Case studies & Book reviews. Journal would provide a forum to researchers, engineers, CEO’s and academicians to share their ideas and research in the field of Management/leadership.

Peer Review and Publication Policy

All received manuscripts are initially scrutinized for suitability within the journal. If found suitable, article is sent to a reviewer for blind review process. Identity of author/s is not disclosed to the reviewer and vice-versa. On receipt of feedback from reviewer, editor analysis the feedback and further decides to accept, reject or revise the paper. Normally review process takes around 3-5 months to provide final feedback to authors. If paper is accepted, we will send pre-print version to authors for corrections (if any). Single complimentary copy will be provided and posted to Indian Authors. Please be noted, that Publishing India Group do not charge authors for submission/acceptance/any other purpose. Papers are accepted, purely on the basis of merit. Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit Journal’s format.

Submission Requirements: Manuscripts should be written as understandably and concisely as possible with clarity and meaningfulness. Submissions are accepted only through online submission process at While submitting online, author must confirm that the manuscript has not been previously published and is not under review for another journal or book. Submission of a manuscript to “International Journal on Leadership” represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is an original work and has not been copyrighted elsewhere; manuscripts that are eventually published may not be reproduced in any other publication (print or electronic), as their copyright has been transferred to “International Journal on Leadership”. The concise Oxford English Dictionary is used as a reference for all spellings and hyphenations.

Title Page: The title page should include: the article title; the author’s names and affiliations; address.

Abstract: An abstract should be submitted that does not exceed 150-250 words along-with key words. It should be on the separate page. Abstracts should contain an abbreviated Representation of the content of the manuscript. Major results, conclusions, and/or Recommendations should be given, followed by supporting details of method, scope, or purpose as appropriate.

Length of Main Research Paper: Main articles\Research Papers should be not longer than 7000 words and not shorter than 4000. Research Notes should be not longer than 3000 words and not shorter than 2000. Case Studies should be not longer than 3500 words and not shorter than 3000. Book Reviews should be not longer than 2000 words and not shorter than 1000. Conference Reports should be not longer than 2000 words and not shorter than 1000. Industry Viewpoints should be not longer than 2000 words and not shorter than 1000. Forthcoming Events should be not longer than 500 words. The main body of the text should be written in Times New Roman letters, font size 12. Section headings should be written in bold, font size 12. The preferred software / file format for submission is Microsoft Word. Authors submitting papers for publication should specify which section of the journal they wish their paper to be considered for: research papers, research notes, case studies, book reviews, industry viewpoints, and forthcoming events. Manuscripts that do not fully conform to the above word limits (according to the type of the article) will be automatically rejected and should not be entered into the reviewing process. Further, Author(s) are responsible for preparing manuscripts which are clearly written in acceptable, scholarly English, and which contain no errors of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Neither the Editorial Board nor the Publisher is responsible for correcting errors of spelling or grammar.

References Style: In the main text, references are cited within parentheses like (Dhiman, 2005). For multiple citations (Dhiman, 1999; and Kumar, 2006). The Reference list, placed at the end of the manuscript, must be typed in alphabetical order of authors. Tables, figures and illustrations are to be included in the text and to be numbered.

For Journal: Ma, C. K., Rao, R. P., & Sears, R. S. (1992). Limit moves and price resolution: A reply. The Journal of Futures Markets, 12(1), 361–363.

For Book: Powers, M. J., & Castelino, M. G. (1991). Inside the financial markets (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley.

For Chapters/Article in Edited Books: Baker, F. M., & Lightfoot, O. B. (1993). Psychiatric care of ethnic elders. In A. C. Gaw (Ed.), Culture, Ethnicity, and Mental Illness (pp. 517–552). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

For Published Proceedings of Meetings and Symposia: McNeil, C. B., Eyberg, S., Eisenstadt, T. H., & Newcomb, K. (1997). Marital status and living arrangements. In W. W. Hartrup & Z. Rubin (Eds.), American Psychological Association Proceedings No. 512 (pp.1–25). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

For Unpublished Paper Presented at a Meeting: Black, L., & Loveday, G. (1998, February). The development of sign language in hearing children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Professional Linguistics Society, Munich, Germany.

For Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation: Smith, A. (2001). Analyses of nonunion American companies in the late 1990s (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), Georgetown University, Washington.

For Internet Sources (if you know the author): Dhiman, M. (2003). HRD in tourism. Retrieved from

For Internet Sources (if you do not know the author): Tourism supply and demand. Retrieved from http://www.tourism food/papers-authors/4509

Page Proofs and Reprints: Page proofs of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for minimal corrections but rewriting the text is not permitted. The corrected proof must be returned within one week of receipt. The author will receive one copy of the journal.

Online Submission Process
Journal follows online submission for referred and peer review process. Authors are required to register themselves at prior to submitting the manuscript. This will help authors in keeping track of their submitted research work.

Steps for submission:

  1. Log on to mentioned url:-
  2. Register yourself with “International Journal on Leadership”.
  3. Do remember to select yourself as “Author” at the bottom of registration page before submitting.
  4. Once registered, log on with your selected Username and Password.
  5. Click “submit article” follow the instructions mentioned for “5 step submission process”.

If you are already registered with other journal at, you will be required to register separately with “International Journal on Leadership” for respective submission.

Correspondence Address

For Manuscript Submission:-

Chief Editor

K. Vasanthi Kumari

International Journal on Leadership

E-mail Id:;
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