Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




The Ahmedabad Applique Cluster: Harness the Power of Traditional Values

International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

Volume 5 Issue 3

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Harleen Sahni, Bilal Mustafa Khan, Kishor Barad | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The case study was undertaken with the objective to explore the marketing practices adopted by a craft cluster located in Ahmedabad which practices the traditional and age-old art of applique work. The main activities of this cluster are coordinated by the Chauhan family who have been involved into applique work since four generations. The case explores the functioning and success of this cluster from the marketing perspective. It was an interesting finding that without the use of any formalised marketing approach and modern technology, the cluster was demonstrating admirable performance through its prudent and purposeful approach. The key to this success was portrayal of traditional values and family knowledge in business activities. The focus of the cluster was customer satisfaction, proficient system and sustainability concern.

Keywords: Applique, Marketing, Traditional Values, Customer Orientation, Sustainability, Proficiency

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