PCMA Journal of Business
PCMA Journal of Business Studies is the biannual journal (January & July) of Punjab Commerce & Management Association, Punjab. Association work for the promotion of Commerce and Management Education in the Punjab region and organize various creative activities like seminars, conferences, Faculty development programmers and student’s development programmers. Objective of association is to promote amongst members exchange of knowledge and ideas on sound management principles and practices, spread benefits of activities and facilities to the public at large without any distinction, work in close collaboration with other organizations having similar objectives, promotion of education in theory and practice of commerce and management through meetings, discussions, Lectures, research projects, seminars, conferences, programmes of studies, organize professional management development programmes in different areas of commerce and management.
Mission at PCMA Journal of Business Studies (PCMA-JBS) is to present current research and ideas in the field of management in the reader friendly format accessible to both the academic and the busy manager. Journal seeks to disseminate knowledge pertaining to current research and practices in management and commerce and to initiate discussions and communication among management practitioners, professionals, academics and researchers on managerial and administrative problems and thus facilitate inter change of managerial experiences.
PCMA-Business Studies Forum enables educators to share their experience in exploring new ideas in research, teaching methods and teaching aids. Topics of forthcoming Round Tables and seminars in PCMA-JBS are announced from time to time through a call of papers. Articles may be contributed on those topics.