Saturday, 08 Feb, 2025




Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

The Journal of Hospitality Application and Research (JOHAR) publishes two issues annually, with submissions accepted year-round. Upon submission, each manuscript is reviewed by the editor, who assigns it to two reviewers for a blind peer review process. The reviewers evaluate the research papers based on six specific criteria:

  • Methodological Rigor
  • Clarity of Presentation
  • Scholarly Significance
  • Research Excellence
  • Novelty
  • Practical Applicability for Industry Professionals

Manuscript requirements

Manuscripts must be written clearly and concisely, with an emphasis on clarity and meaningful content. Submissions are accepted exclusively in electronic format, and authors are required to submit a single copy of the manuscript via email attachment. All manuscripts should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Praveen Srivastava, at

A cover letter addressed to the editor must accompany the manuscript, requesting its review and publication. The letter should also confirm that the manuscript is original, has not been previously published, and is not currently under review by another journal or book. Authors must ensure that the manuscript has a plagiarism level of no more than 10% (with 10-word count).

By submitting a manuscript to JOHAR, the author(s) certify that the work is original, has not been copyrighted elsewhere, and that once published, it may not be reproduced in any other publication, whether in print or electronic form.

To ensure a double-anonymized peer-review process, each new submission must be divided into two separate files: (1) a Title Page and (2) an Anonymous Main Document. The Main Document should not contain any identifying information.

Title page: the title page should include: the article title; the author’s names and affiliations [clearly identifying the corresponding author]; address; Acknowledgment, Financial disclosure, if applicable; and total word count. All editorial communications will be conducted solely with the corresponding author.

Anonymous Manuscript: Include the Article Title (excluding author information), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Body of the research (including table and figure within the document), References, in a single anonymous WORD file. Organize the article into clearly defined sections and subsections.

The manuscript should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Section titles should also be in 12-point font but bolded for emphasis. Use 1-inch margins on all sides, with 1.5 line spacing throughout the manuscript. Set the spacing before and after to zero. Submission that exceeds the specified word limits will be automatically disqualified and will not proceed to the review stage.

No communication will be entertained regarding the same. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that manuscripts are well-written in clear, scholarly English, free from spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. The Editorial Board and the Publisher will not be responsible for correcting these errors.

Length of main research paper (including references) should be no longer than 7000 words and not shorter than 4500.

References style: References within the main text should be cited in parentheses, such as (Srivastava, 2020). For multiple citations, use the format (Srivastava, 2020; Sinha, 2006). The reference list should be organized alphabetically by the authors' last names and placed at the end of the manuscript. Tables, figures, and illustrations should be included in the text and appropriately numbered.

Authors should refer APA 7 style for referencing. Details of which can be found at

Correspondence Address

For Manuscript Submission:
Dr. Praveen Srivastava
Journal of Hospitality Application and Research
E-mail Id:

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