Thursday, 06 Feb, 2025




Telecom Business Review

A soft copy of the paper for consideration for publication should be emailed to MS word format, (not PDF file).

Abstract: (Maximum length 300 words)

  • Following the cover page an abstract must be provided, containing summary of the paper not exceeding 250 words. Abstract should include the research area or topic, research methodology, Key findings and 4-5 Keywords.

Main Paper: (Maximum length 3000 words) and should include the following sections

  • Introduction
  • Objective of the paper
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Analysis/Findings/discussion
  • Conclusion/implications and
  • References

Please use the checklist provided below to ensure that your paper meets the requirements prior to submission. In case of noncompliance to these guidelines, your paper will be excluded from being published. Please send us your paper in MS word format, not PDF files for blind review.

  • The maximum size should be 3000 words including tables, references etc.
  • Title of the paper is no more than 15 words, centred and in 16pt font.
  • Section/sub-titles are in numbered sequentially, in bold and 14pt font.
  • All text should be in 12-point Times New Roman Font, Justified, Double spaced, 1-inch margin on all four sides. Professionally drawn graphs and diagrams must be provided wherever necessary along with the manuscript.
  • Figures, tables and charts are included within the body of the paper.
  • Footnotes, figures, tables and graphs should be numbered serially and should appear at desirable place in the text itself, with proper reference made in the text. Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom.
  • Figures, text or tables are not coloured or shaded.
  • Tables or figures do not break across two pages.
  • No footnotes, but End-notes are included.
  • Paper has been checked for grammar and spelling.
  • References: Should be in APA style format
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