Thursday, 06 Feb, 2025




International Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence

Peer Review and Publication Policy
Each submitted manuscript is reviewed first by the chief editor and, if it is found relevant to the scope of the journal, editor sends it two independent referees for double blind peer review process. After review, the manuscript will be sent back to authors for minor or major revisions. The final decision about publication of manuscript will be a collective decision based on the recommendations of reviewers and editorial board members. Normally double blind peer review process takes around 3-4 months to provide feedback to authors. The Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit journal’s format. Single complimentary copy will be provided and posted to Indian Authors. Please be noted, that Publishing India Group do not charge authors for submission/acceptance/any other purpose. Papers are accepted, purely on the basis of merit. Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit Journal’s format.

Guidelines for Authors

International Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence welcomes original manuscripts from academic researchers and business practitioners on the topics related to descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics in business. The authors are also encouraged to submit perspectives and commentaries on business analytics, cases on managerial applications of analytics, book reviews, published-research paper reviews and analytics software reviews based on below mentioned guidelines. No fees charged to authors for submission / acceptance / any other purpose.


Journal follows online submission for peer review process. Authors are required to submit manuscript online at

Title: Title should not exceed more than 12 Words


Abstract: The abstract should be limited to 150 to 250 words.  It should state research objective(s), research methods used, findings, managerial implications and original contribution to the existing body of knowledge


Keywords: Includes 4–8 primary keywords which represent the topic of the manuscript


Main Text: Text should be within 4000-7000 words Authors’ identifying information should not appear anywhere within the main document file. Please do not add any headers/footers on each page except page number. Headings should be text only (not numbered).


Primary Heading:      Centered, capitalized, and italicized.

Seconday Heading:   Left justified with title-style capitalization (first letter of each word) and italicized.

Tertiary Heading:      Left justified and indented with sentence-style capitalization (first word only) in italics.


Equations: Equations should be centered on the page. If equations are numbered, type the number in parentheses flush with the left margin. Please avoid using Equation Editor for simple in-line mathematical copy, symbols, and equations. Type these in Word instead, using the “Symbol” function when necessary.


References: References begin on a separate page at the end of paper and arranged alphabetically by the first author’s last name. Only references cited within the text are included. The list should include only work the author/s has cited. The authors should strictly follow APA style developed by American Psychological Association available at American Psychological Association.  (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed.). Washington, DC.



Style Check

To make the copyediting process more efficient, we ask that you please make sure your manuscript conforms to the following style points:

  • Make sure the text throughout the paper is 12-point font, double-spaced. This also applies to references.
  • Do not italicize equations, Greek characters, R-square, and so forth. Italics are only used on p-values.
  • Do not use Equation Editor for simple math functions, Greek characters, etc. Instead, use the Symbol font for special characters.
  • Place tables and figures within the text with titles above the tables and figures. Do not place them sequentially at the end of the text. Tables and figures must also be provided in their original format.
  • Use of footnotes is not allowed; please include all information in the body of the text.




Prior to article submission, authors should obtain all permissions to use any content if it is not originally created by them. When reproducing tables, figures or excerpts from another source, it is expected to obtain the necessary written permission in advance from any third party owners of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats. Authors should not assume that any content which is freely available on the web is free to use. Website should be checked for details of copyright holder(s) to seek permission for resuing the web content


Online Submission Process

Journal follows online submission for peer review process. Authors are required to register themselves at prior to submitting the manuscript. This will help authors in keeping track of their submitted research work. Steps for submission is as follows:

  1. Log-on to above mentioned URL and register yourself with “International Journal of Business Analytics & Information”
  2. Do remember to select yourself as “Author” at the bottom of  registration page before submitting.
  3. Once registered, log on with your selected Username and Password.
  4. Click “New submission” from your account and follow the 5 step submission process.
Main document will be uploaded at step 2. Author and Co-author(s) names and affiliation can be mentioned at step 3. Any other file   can be uploaded at step 4 of submission process.


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