Friday, 13 Sep, 2024




Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

"Indian Journal of Industrial Relations"(IJIR) invites manuscript based on following guidelines:-

  1. Manuscripts for publication should be typed in double space, only on one side of the paper and sent in duplicate to the Editor.
  2. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a declaration by the author that the paper has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
  3. Footnotes, typed in double-space, should be numbered serially and placed at the end of the text. Reference to literature cited should be carried within the text in brackets. Reference list, to be placed after footnotes, should be listed alphabetically by the author and chronologically for each author, it should be kept as brief as possible.
  4. Contributors are advised to be brief in introducing the subject and devote most of the paper to the principal theme. The Journal prefers papers based on original data and fresh theoretical insights. References to previous work should be made economically. The Journal does not publish survey of literature comprising lengthy bibliographical references.
  5. Authors should take care to ensure the accuracy of data and references.
  6. Authors should always indicate, either in the text or in an enclosed memorandum, the time and place of empirical investigation, the context in which it was done, sponsors if any, and also an outline of the methods used.
  7. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are subject to editorial revisions. Proofs will not be sent to the authors.
  8. Authors will receive a token honorarium and one specimen copy of the issue free of charge.
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