Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024




Fintech: Emerging Trends

Telecom Business Review

Volume 13 Issue 1

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Sudhir Kumar Pant | Author(s) Affiliation: Ph.D. Scholar, ex-Vice President, Vodafone India Services Pvt Ltd.
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Fintech in simple terms is leveraging technology to deliver banking and financial solutions to individual and enterprise customers. This is one of the fastest-growing sectors in both developed & developing countries with India amongst the top three fintech startups globally. Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, AI, Data Analytics, Machine learning, Big data, Robotics, and Cloud are some of the top technologies leveraged by fintech firms to deliver products. Domestic & global broadband connectivity setup by telecom service providers made available basic infrastructure needed for fintech growth. One of the early fintech innovations was the installation of the first ATM by Barclays Bank in 1967. Post global financial crisis in 2008, many ex-employees of financial firms came up with innovative fintech products. The objective of this paper is to identify globally emerging fintech trends. The Qualitative research methodology was used relying on a review of literature, discussion with the professionals and researchers. The emerging trends include IMF focus on leveraging fintech for cross border payments using distributed ledger technology, Augmented reality for customer satisfaction, Digital insurance, Digital invoicing, Crowd-funding, Crowd investing, Robotics investment advisory, Future relationships between Banks and Fintech firms, Central bank regulatory role. It also came out that although there are many research papers on fintech globally, however, there is not much research work carried out on fintech in India and there is an opportunity for further research on innovation and growth of fintech in India.

Keywords: Fintech, Finance, Digital, Technology, Innovation

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