Thursday, 16 Jan, 2025




A Study on the Relationship Between Psychological Climate, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

OPUS: HR Journal

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Ginu George, Binoy Joseph | Author(s) Affiliation:
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Employee engagement is becoming an important area of focus by many HR consultancies in the recent years. Organizations having engaged employees tend to out-perform than employees who are not engaged or disengaged, also it will enable them to compete better in their industry resulting in higher performance, lower turnover, more profitability etc., Despite of all this there are still some industries who are ignorant and neglect the importance of having engaged employees. Therefore there is a necessity for more of academic research on employee engagement which helps in creating awareness to these organizations about the prominence of focusing on employee engagement and the findings will also augments the existing literature on employee engagement. The study was conducted on 433 employees working in travel organizations set up in Bangalore with the purpose of determining the relationship psychological climate (antecedent) has on employee engagement and in turn its relationship with organizational citizenship behavior (outcome). The study also determines the mediating relationship of employee engagement between PC and OCB.

Keywords: Psychological Climate, Employee Engagement, OCB, Travel Organizations

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