Thursday, 13 Feb, 2025




Impact of Job Stress on Employees Job Performance in Aavin, Coimbatore

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 6 Issue 3

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Mathangi Vijayan | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, DMSR, Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Job stress has become a common term in todays parlance. In every organisation, the main cause of low productivity appears to be stress at workplace. Employees need certain kind of motivation and job stress mitigating strategies to overcome the stress. This paper is focused to explore the major factors causing job stress and explains how it affects job performance of the employees working in Aavin, Coimbatore. There are different kinds of job stress prevailing in an employees everyday life like workload, job security, autonomy, role conflicts, low salaries etc. In the present paper, the major factors considered are workload, job security, and shift work related to Aavin Company. The paper investigates the impact of job stress related factors, viz. workload, job security, and shift work on employees job performance. An attempt was made to bring out the job stress mitigating strategies that can be followed by employees and the employers to overcome their job stress and to improve their performance. The management can take necessary steps to control the job stress levels of employees to increase their job performance. They may provide counselling, meditation programme, incentives etc. which improve the performance of the employees in the long run.

Keywords: Job Stress, Job Performance, Workload, Job Security, Shift Work

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