Sunday, 26 Jan, 2025




Mothers Perception of Entrepreneurship and the Factors Hindering the Childrens Choice of Entrepreneurship: An Examination of Sri Lankan Mothers

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 12 Issue 1

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: E. S. Wickramasekera, G. K. Paranamana, D. N. Wickramasekera, R. Ulluwishewa | Author(s) Affiliation: Sri Jayewardenepura University, Sri Lanka.
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The purpose of the study is to explore how Sri Lankan mothers are influencing their children to become entrepreneurs. This is determined by how they perceive the concept of entrepreneurship and the factors that make them reluctant to make their children choose entrepreneurship as their future career, and that stops them from encouraging their children to become entrepreneurs. This paper uses an inductive approach with basic qualitative study. We used data on a sample size of 26, where individuals (mothers and children) were used as the study’s unit of analysis. The understanding and interpretation of the concept of entrepreneurship leads to the finding of a mother’s role in creating an entrepreneur. Results show that the existing economic, social-political background, and instability of the country, as well as the educational system with its poor contribution towards improving the entrepreneurial skills of a child, along with a mothers’ negative perception of entrepreneurship are identified as the three main factors that prevent mothers from inculcating entrepreneurial intentions in their children, and from encouraging their children to become entrepreneurs. The implications of findings show how policymakers have a significant amount of responsibility to create a suitable environment and promote entrepreneurship in the educational system for a child to become an entrepreneur. The study contributes to the existing literature by understanding how Sri Lankan mothers perceive the concept of entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka, as they have the capability to create new entrepreneurs who would contribute positively to the economy.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Perception of Entrepreneurship, Mothers’ Perception of Entrepreneurship, Sri Lanka

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