Saturday, 08 Feb, 2025




Relationship between EVA (Economic Value Added) and Share Prices of Select Companies in BSE-SENSEX - An Empirical Study

Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research

Volume 4 Issue 3 & 4

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Mathangi Aravind, K. Ramya | Author(s) Affiliation: Avinashilingam School of Mgt.Tech.,Avinashilingam Inst.for Home Sc.&Higher Edu.for Women, Coimbatore
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In todays competitive world, corporate companies all around the world are trying to maximize the wealth of their shareholders in order to gain market value as well as satisfy their stakeholders. With the gaining popularity of value based performance measures like Economic Value Added (EVA), Total Shareholder Return (TSR), Cash Value Added (CVA) etc., many corporate companies in India have started assessing their value in terms of these measures. This paper investigates the relationship between EVA and share prices of select companies in BSE-SENSEX for a period of six years from 2008 to 2013. The study focuses on the explanatory power of EVA with respect to share prices of the selected companies. In turn, the performance of the selected companies belonging to different sectors in BSE-SENSEX was analyzed using EVA. The volatile nature of the capital markets characterized by various speculative activities have a greater influence on share prices, eventually undermining the impact of performance metrics on them. Thus, the findings of the study enumerates that EVA does not have a considerable explanatory power on share prices.

Keywords: Economic Value Added, Share Prices, SENSEX, NOPAT, Value Based Performance Measure

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