Thursday, 23 Jan, 2025




Improving the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Platinum-Graphene Composite Based on Terminalia Chebula

International Journal of System and Software Engineering

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Kambiz Golmohammadi, Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Dye-sensitized solar cell is one of the nano-structured solar cells which have attracted much attention compared to silicon solar cells (first generation), because it can be made easier and cheaper. Researchers usually use commercial pigments such as (N-719), and (N-3) in dye-sensitized solar cells to absorb photons. In this project, we have used the extract of natural plant of Terminalia chebula instead of commercial pigments that are expensive, which is cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly, but its efficiency is low. Accordingly, carbon derivatives were used in order to improve the efficiency of solar cells. Graphene is one of the carbon derivatives which have extraordinary properties in electronic devices such as solar cells. So, using graphene-platinum composite as counter electrode, current and voltage and eventually efficiency of solar cells increased.

Keywords: Solar Cells, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Graphene, Terminalia Chebula.

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