Thursday, 06 Feb, 2025




The Role of Associates and Importance of Associate Engagement: A Theoretical Approach

International Journal on Leadership

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Padamata Karthik, Ramlal Porika | Author(s) Affiliation: School of Management, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana, India.
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This paper highlights the role of associates and the importance of associate engagement in the construction industry, which is one among the frontline industries which create jobs to the people and generate revenue to the governments through construction of infrastructure projects for development. Associates are the important people who become part of every employee life with whom they will interact and work at workplace. By understanding the work demands and working conditions at construction sites, research in construction industry on various work-related aspects pointed the role of co-workers’ and their importance at work. This research is carried on various concepts involving associates with the objective to know the importance and scope of associate engagement, role of associates in construction industry. This research study involves an integrated literature review method by combining different researchers’ opinions, research findings and their thought-provoking suggestions to better understand and elaborate the research objective. It is observed that in the construction industry, associate engagement has become a key factor in promoting occupational safety, work learning, information transfer, knowledge management, stronger work relations, work motivation, social & emotional support and consequently employees job satisfaction which ultimately leads to increased performance and productivity.

Keywords: Leadership, Associates, Co-Workers, Engagement, Interactions, Safety, Knowledge, Motivation, Satisfaction

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