Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




Viewing Hotel Industry through Customer Oriented Bureaucracy

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 53 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Shreyashi Chakraborty | Author(s) Affiliation: Doctoral Scholar, HRM, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, West Bengal, India.
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Direct contact with the customer in any service interaction creates a unique set of challenges for both the employer as well as the front-line service worker. It occurs in the pursuit of dual, contradictory goals of efficiency and being customer-oriented. This paper, while using the example of the hotel industry explicates that efficiency is achieved at the cost of quality of service delivery. Howsoever unattainable the dual goals seem to be in the hotel industry, with proper investments in human resources organizations have thrived and excelled in their environments and proved that the goals might not be contradictory in nature after all.

Keywords: N.A.

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