Friday, 20 Sep, 2024




Green HRM Practices in Private Health Care & Banking Sectors in India

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 53 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Indranil Bose & Viswas Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Dean & Asso. Prof., School of Business, Univ. of Bolton, UAE Academic centre, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
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The concept of green HRM has emerged with the initiation of Green Movement, the rapid growth of which was witnessed during 2000-2010 in almost all industries across India. In the present study, 139 respondents from the private sector banking and 116 participants from the private sector health care organizations of 6 different organizations from each sector were surveyed through a structured questionnaire on the relevant green HRM issues and practices from two major cities of India, viz. Kolkata and Delhi. The study is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of different Green HR practices in terms of cost-benefit, employee engagement and reachability and employer branding perspectives, as practiced in these organizations.

Keywords: N.A.

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