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Facultys Perception about Technological Competencies in Library and Information Science Profession: An Assessment

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Shabir Ahmad Ganaie | Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty Member, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
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The aim of the present study is to know the perception of the library and information science (LIS) teachers in Northern India about the technological competencies in the field of LIS Profession. A questionnaire designed for this purpose is based on the competencies identified by an extensive review of literature available on the theme. Information technology related competencies are divided into two broader categories viz., ICT general competencies and Library related ICT competencies. While the former category includes thirteen elements like “Information Technology: Basics,“Internet: Basic Features and Tools”,“Web 2.0 and related technologies, “Networking”, “Web designing”, “Interoperability” etc. Later category comprises of six elements including “Library Software Package”, “Library Automation.-Basics”, “Open Source Software”, “RFID and related Technologies”,“Database Management Systems”, and “Webometrics”. A questionnaire regarding these competencies was framed and distributed among the LIS faculty working in different universities in India.Main findings of the study indicate that there is difference in the perception level among the faculty members of LIS discipline towards the enumerated information and technology competency elements. However, majority of the respondents feel that these elements of technological competencies should be incorporated in the LIS curriculum.

Keywords: Library science, Information science, Competencies, Technological competency, Faculty Perception Paper

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