Friday, 20 Sep, 2024




Emerging Trends and Developments of Information Literacy With Special Reference to LIS Professionals in India

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: M. Kannan, C.Velmurugan | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Information Literacy is the defining paradigm of modern education. Librarianship in the present digital age is not restrained to the documents rather; the profession has now amalgamated to multifarious subfields. Information literacy is essential today for development and progress. This paper aims to attempt find the concept of information literacy (IL).The paper shows initially the general idea about information, information literacy with relation to library and information science. It describes the importance, components, basic types and needs of information literacy. The paper further gives a glimpse of different activities and roles especially information literate LIS professionals. This paper also highlights the emerging trends and developments of information literacy in the library profession in the present day.

Keywords: Information Literacy, IL, Library Literacy, Media Literacy, Visual Literacy , LIS Profession, India

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