Thursday, 06 Feb, 2025




An Analytical Study of Research Excellence of Central Universities of India in Psychology

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Pankaj Chaurasia, Sonal Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: School in Library & Information Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
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This study highlights the bibliometric analysis of research productivity of Central Universities of India in Psychology during 1961 to 2015. The Web of Science and Scopus database has been used to gather the necessary data for the study. The data was also gathered through the structured questionnaires distributed to the faculty members and research scholars. It is found that total 3309 publications have been published by the faculty members and research scholars of the Central Universities in India during the period 1961-2015. Delhi University (DU) has contributed 19.03% publications, is placed on top of the universities under study. Maximum number of 1114 (33.66%) documents are published during 2001-2010. Research Articles were found the most used document type with 1702(51.43%) documents, followed by Conference papers with 954 (28.83%) documents. The journals namely Psychology and Developing Societies gets the highest number of documents published with 321 titles in its share stand on top with rank 1 among the journals. Respondents have contributed maximum number of 457 publications in the subject Social Psychology, Degree of collaboration of the study is 0.34.

Keywords: Bibliometric Study, Research Productivity, Research Outputs

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