Associate Professor, USB (BBA), Chandigarh University, Chandigarh, India.
This paper presents a comprehensive review of literature on ethics, ethical issues, and ethical practices in the banking industry. This review paper will help in understanding ethics and ethical practices in banks, and will build a roadmap for future research in this area. Articles are downloaded from PROQUEST, Researchgate, EBSCO, and other online sources. Keywords used for search were banks and ethics, ethics in banks, ethical issues in banks, factors of bank ethics, and bank failure and ethics. The review of literature revealed that there are numerous ethical issues prevalent in the banking industry, like lack of proper ethics training, trust and transparency issues, growing pressure of competition, complexity of banking operations, issue of money laundering, and so on. It is observed that factors that affect ethics in banks include internal behaviour, cost leveraging, value leveraging, ethical orientation, ethical lending, ethical commitment, placement of assets, ethical ideology, bank’s code of conduct, and so on.
Keywords: Banks and Ethics, Ethics in Banks, Ethical Practices, Ethical Issues, Factors of Bank Ethics
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