Monday, 14 Oct, 2024




A Study of Job Satisfaction of the Employees of nationalized banks

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Hitesh D. Vyas
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude towards one’s job. The objective of the study are, To find out the job satisfaction of the employees of the nationalized banks of Bhavnagar city, and To find out difference between job satisfaction of the employees of the nationalized of Bhavnagar city into different variables i. e. cadre, age group and experience. The analysis of the data finds that out of the 100 respondents 14 employees represent excellent situation, 79 employees represent good situation, 07 employees represent average satisfied, no employees represent poor level satisfaction, none was at bad level satisfaction. As there is significant difference found between the jobs’ satisfactions of the employees of different age group. Also the job satisfactions of the employees of different category found positive. Moreover results indicate significant difference between the job satisfactions of the employees for their experience.

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