Thursday, 23 Jan, 2025




The Impact of Headline and Celebrity on Consumer Mind and Retention

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Gajendra Singh, Charu Singhal | Author(s) Affiliation:
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An advertisement to be effective it must generate some sort of mental change in the target audiences mind, (i.e., they must think or feel differently about the product or service as a result of being exposed to the advertising). In turn, for this mental change to occur there must be a physical change to the brain itself. Exactly how advertising actually generates this change of mind has been the subject for much research, conjecture and hypothesising over the course of the last century. On the basis of the repetitive exposure of the advertisement to the respondents, the over result regarding the right recall of the headline & celebrity of the FMCGs products give the mix responses.

Keywords: Consumer Mind, Consumer Retention, Celebrity, Headline

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