Thursday, 23 Jan, 2025




Management Education and Corporate Expectations: Bridging the Gap

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Rajeshwari Malik
Locked Subscribed Available for All


The world has stepped into a new century and a new millennium. The world of education faces the challenges of adapting to changing needs of the society in general and corporate world in particular. Changes and competition are predominant in the business environment. It is an era of unprecedented challenges and global opportunities. This situation calls for imminent review of constituents of academic programmes, their relevance and output. Managers are charged with the responsibility of taking actions that will allow individuals to make a huge demand for managers not only in business enterprises but also in non- profit and non-governmental organizations. But it is questionable as to whether the demand is for what they have been taught. Prospective employers benefits from the fact that these young people have the semantic of business. Together the industry and institutes must make management education superior and relevant. That might require de-recognizing many schools, eliminating undergraduate programmes in management, rebuilding commerce education and ensuring that a management education is truly an education and not merely a passport to good employment. Ideas given in this article if implemented on time can help management education in improve its standards and play a vital role in nation building. Keywords: Management education, corporate expectations, student satisfaction, Management education entities

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