Thursday, 13 Feb, 2025




Analysis of Travel Constraints Among Indian Women Travelling Alone Across Himalayan Destinations

AVAHAN: A Journal on Hospitality and Tourism

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Parvinder Kour, Parikshat Singh Manhas | Author(s) Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow (ICSSR), School of Hospitality & Tourism Mgt., Univ. of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir
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Women travelers is amongst the most emerging segment in tourism sector who looks for more advanced and customized travel solutions while travelling and selecting the destinations especially when they are travelling alone. The concept of solo travelling in context to women has mostly been analyzed and discussed in the western societies, whereas this concept is also attaining its edge in Indian scenario as well. Present study intends to analyze the numerous travel constraints among women travelers in Himalayan destinations that influence their choice for the destination. The study has been conducted in the major regions of Himalayas including Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand being the major tourist attractions of Himalayas. This paper used a random sample of 312 women tourists who travelled alone to the targeted destinations based on study context. The study explains the influence of constraints on destination choice and also explains the factors on which the destination choice is based among women travelers thus providing the destination authorities with the aspects of attracting the potential segment of women travelers to the destination and making them to participate in the travel activities more confidently by analyzing the numerous factors that determine the choice or preferences for destination(s) among women while travelling alone.

Keywords: Destination Choice, Himalayan Destination, Travel Constraints, Women Travelers

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