Thursday, 13 Feb, 2025




Entrepreneurial Training & Development in Tourist Places

ATITHYA: A Journal of Hospitality

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Rajlaxmi R. Bhosale | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, MGM Institute of Management, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
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The industrial corridors have provided a vast recognition to the various places through which it passes. The city of Aurangabad which is famous and known for its historic value with world heritage site shall see an increase in the number of tourists footfalls from the entire world. As DMIC the industrial corridors acknowledges the inter-dependency of various sectors of the economy and present effective integration between industry and people which shall lead to development of the entire society. The present study is done to analyze whether the people of Aurangabad leading various hospitality sectors are ready to handle the enormous flow of tourist coming for business and pleasure to the place. The study highlights the various entrepreneurial sources present in the society of Aurangabads hospitality sector. The study states the need of providing soft skills to the frontliners to fulfill the tourists with a pleasing memorabilia to take home from the people working in this sector. This sector employees needs to be trained for skill development especially in the field of so called adaratithya. They also need to be cultured with the complete history of Aurangabad and following the traffic rules. It is concluded that various institutions needs to be established by the public and private players to change the frame of mind of the people working in the hospitality sector and the entire society of Aurangabad through training and development. This would lead to entrepreneurship development for the citizens of Aurangabad. There is a huge amount of scope in training to be provided to the service providers to improve the quality of the service which shall improve the economical status of the society. The young and learned people should start with the training and development as an entrepreneurial opportunity and create value through innovation.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Training & Development, Skill Development, Aurangabad Tourism, Frontliners Training

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