Thursday, 13 Feb, 2025




An Analysis of Effectiveness and Challenges in Implementation of Employee Retention Management System (ERMS) in Hotel Industry of Pune City

ATITHYA: A Journal of Hospitality

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Sanjay Kumar M. Gaikwad, Kiran Shende | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The rapid growth in Pune city has created a great demand for the hospitality skilled personnel but has resulted in a high attrition rate in recent years. Hotels now days are focusing upon certain Human Resource practices pertaining to areas of Turnover Management, Retention Management, Talent Management, Succession planning, Compensation Management, Motivation Techniques, Work Life Balance etc. The study is in a category of descriptive research and has studied various existing practices of ERM System followed by hotels in Pune city and will include surveys by means of a questionnaire and fact finding enquiries of different kinds. HR department of the hotel not only has to come up with effective system to ensure employee satisfaction but also have to make a conscious effort to cope up with the challenges pertaining to employee retention. Hotels in Pune could adopt effective ERM System which has a great impact on stay back of employees.

Keywords: Hotel Industry, Employee Retention, Employee Retention Management System, ERMS

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