Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




Multidimensional Poverty Index and Need to Revise the Methodology for Counting Poor

Indian Journal of Sustainable Development

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Masood Ahmed | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof. and Social-Economist, Dept. of Business Adminis., Jazan Univ.
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The largest share in Mineral Gross Domestic Product is from Jharkhand; it has 33% of Indian mineral reserve. Still, one out every three people is living below the poverty line; the fact is that 37% state population is below the poverty line. The Jharkhand state problem is its poverty decline rate is slowest; growth depends on industrial performance that too shows volatility. The paper focuses on critical areas of education, health and living standard by applying the Alkire-Foster (AF) methodology. The paper covers 24 districts of Jharkhand state with inference stress on rural-urban divide and population under five categories of wealth index (poorest, poorer, middle, rich and richest).

Keywords: Poverty, Development, Health, Education, Living Standard

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